Monday, April 7, 2008

Dissecting "Where is My Money?"

According to a colleague’s blog there is need for Social Security reform. It is a well-written article. One can appreciate the use of statistics to support the article. It shows that some research was done and the article wasn’t hastily completed.
The only thing that might improve the article is if the author answered his own questions. How does the author think Congress should support future retirees? The author says “Congress needs to decide on how to deal with this problem.” Does he have any ideas or opinions on that point himself? He seems to be against raising taxes to fund Social Security, but does not present any other options.
Over all it is a good article. The reader would benefit by getting to know the author a little better through sharing his own ideas for solutions rather than just thought-provoking questions.
There was a grammar issue where the author used ‘then’ instead of ‘than’. Also ‘retirees’ was misspelled in the beginning but then corrected in the end of the article. It probably just needed to be proof-read one more time.

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